The MNFTL is housed in Room 1064 of the Engineering Research Facility (ERF), located at 842 W. Taylor St. in Chicago. The laboratory occupies 1300 ft2 of modern research space with three full-service chemical hoods and several optical tables for bench-top experiments. Available equipment includes a high-speed digital imaging system (Vision Research Phantom Miro M310), a custom-made goniometer for measurement of contact and roll-off angles, several digital cameras, three microbalances, high-intensity lighting, optical microscopes, a gas-purged glove box, an inkjet printing system for printed electronics, a modulated Differential Scanning Calorimeter, a spray robot, a temperature/humidity chamber (ESPEC SH-641), function generators, power supplies, amplifiers and other electronic devices. Several droplet generators are available for creating droplets in the size range from 50µm to larger than 1 mm. The laboratory staff is very experienced with procedures in the micro- and nano-science area, and especially in measurements pertaining to liquid repellency. MNFTL staff has access to other UIC experimental facilities supporting micro- and nanotechnology, and materials characterization research.

The following service facilities are within a few steps from the laboratory:

Engineering Research Facility (ERF) Heading link

842 W. Taylor St.

Chicago, IL 60607

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